Age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease related to the aging of the central area of the retina called the macula. It results in a progressive loss of central vision in people over 50 years old. The central vision progressively deteriorates and a "scotoma" appears, a black spot which is projected on the object looked at. Like a camera whose film is stained, the center of the visual field is blurred and all details are lost. Precise vision (especially reading, driving, face recognition) quickly becomes difficult or impossible.

Symptoms: progressive decrease in the ability to see objects clearly, decrease in contrast, difficulty adapting to sudden changes in light, difficult reading, distortion of images and lines, altered central vision, appearance of a blurred spot in the center of vision. These symptoms are painless and affect only central vision; peripheral vision is not affected.

Diagnosis: Early detection limits the progression of the disease and helps preserve vision. A fundus examination, routine tests and the so-called Amsler grid test are performed.

Despite medical advances, there is currently no cure for AMD. A check-up will allow you to detect it quickly: make an appointment with one of our specialists.