Can eye strain be treated?

Eyestrain is the result of over-use of the eyes and their capacities, pushing them to produce too much effort. Although screens are not the only cause, they are very present in our daily lives and contribute to eye strain.

Eye fatigue can be of 2 types:

  • Visual fatigue, due to a visual defect or accommodation effort, leading to a drop in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, a sensation of glare, alteration of the visual field, a sensation of seeing double.
  • Eye fatigue, due to abnormal effort or prolonged fixation on an object/image, manifested by a red, itchy, irritated or dry eye and infrequent blinking.

On the other hand, headaches, twitching eyelids or diffuse pain around or in the eye may occur.
Poorly corrected or uncorrected visual defects can lead to chronic visual fatigue.

Best practices in front of your screen :

  • Set up at the right distance from your screen
  • Every 20 minutes, look into the distance for 20 seconds
  • Blink regularly
  • Make sure there are no reflections on your screen
  • Avoid placing your screen in front of a window
  • Adjust your screen brightness and contrast

If you experience eye fatigue, make sure you rest your eyes and get some rest. A good quality of sleep will have a positive impact on your eyes. And if eyestrain sets in or recurs, make an appointment with a specialist.